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Brazilian butt lift

Brazilian butt lift IN GUADALAJARA
Why Brazilian butt lift in Guadalajara?

Natural buttocks enhancement, also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL, is among the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries performed today. With more celebrities flaunting curvy derrières and the desire to always be bikini ready, women everywhere are interested in achieving fuller, sexier silhouette

Before & after photos

Brazilian butt lift procedure steps

The Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL is the most common type of buttock augmentation. This involves taking your own fat and transferring/grafting it to your buttocks to increase the size and shape of your backside.


The fat transferred to your buttocks will lift and firm your backside to allow for your desired physique.

Dr. Rafael Arenas - Credentials & Associations

Brazilian butt lift

Who is the ideal candidate?

Candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift may be women or men who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their backside and desire a shapelier physique. Patients should be in good health and have realistic expectations.


This is Me & These are My Specialities

Dr. Arenas looks forward to meeting with you for your initial consultation and discussing the many factors to consider with  procedure. He has spent many years helping candidates such as yourself understand the details.

It is important that you and Dr. Arenas discuss your current health and prior health conditions.

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Brazilian butt lift FAQS

Before your buttocks lift, you should stop smoking and avoid taking aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, make sure you have someone to drive you home from your procedure.


Non-strenuous activity can be resumed after 2 to 3 weeks Typically, patients can return to their normal routine after six to eight weeks.

Pockets of excess fat can be removed using liposuction as an add-on procedure to a Mommy Makeover. Tiny incisions are made in the desired locations, and a thin suctioning device (cannula) is inserted to gently remove fat cells. The most common areas addressed by liposuction include the arms, thighs, stomach, flanks, and hips.

As long as you maintain your weight and continue with a healthy lifestyle, your results should be visible for several years, after a pregnancy the results of surgery may be affected.

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Stay in touch with us throughout your recovery process.