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Why facelift in Guadalajara?

Aging, sun damage, and environmental factors all leave their marks on our faces in the way of wrinkles, deep creases, sagging cheeks, jowls, and loose neck skin. This loss of definition can affect the way you see yourself, which in turn affects the way you present yourself to others in professional and social situations. Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, targets noticeable aging on the lower and middle sections of the face. At Dr. Rafael Arenas, your surgeon’s surgical artistry and state-of-the-art techniques restore definition and youthful contours to create a balanced and natural facial appearance.

Before & after photos

About this procedure

In our center we perform this intervention in about 3 to 4 hours under local anesthesia and sedation. The Modified Deep Plane approach we use consists of four steps:

1- Skin elevation

2- Access to the deep submuscular space (deep plane) and release of retention ligaments (fibrous bands that help keep soft tissues in position)

3- Repositioning of tissues (musculature, fat packs and skin)

4- Removal of excess skin, and suture

Personal care

Self-care at home for the first three weeks will aid recovery and reduce the risk of complications:

  • Follow the wound care instructions from your surgeon.
  • Do not touch the scabs that form on the wound.
  • Follow the instructions on when you can start using shampoo and soaps, and what kind.
  • Wear clothing that closes and opens at the front.
  • Avoid clothing that goes over your head.
  • Avoid pressure or excessive movement on and around the incisions.
  • Avoid the use of makeup.
  • Try not to do intense or aerobic activities or sports.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure from the incision for three weeks.
  • Then use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher.
  • Avoid perming, bleaching or dyeing your hair for at least six weeks.

Dr. Rafael Arenas - Credentials & Associations



Facial wrinkles can develop anywhere on the face as a result of gravity, sun damage, and collagen loss. Facelift surgery eliminates wrinkles and fine lines along the mid and lower face, including fine lines and folds that develop around the mouth. Tightening excess skin allows you to look younger while maintaining a natural appearance.


Facial sagging occurs when gravity meets weakened skin and muscle. As the elasticity of your tissues breaks down, the tissues begin to droop under their own weight. This causes the muscles to drop toward the jawline, resulting in the formation of jowls. This makes you appear older than you are, and it can alter the contours of your face. Facelift surgery returns definition to your cheeks and jawline.

This is Me & These are My Specialities

Dr. Arenas looks forward to meeting with you for your initial consultation and discussing the many factors to consider with  procedure. He has spent many years helping candidates such as yourself understand the details.

It is important that you and Dr. Arenas discuss your current health and prior health conditions.

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Ideal candidates for facelift surgery experience moderate to severe signs of facial and neck aging. These signs include deep facial creases, jowls, sagging cheeks, and neck banding. Candidates should be in good general health and have realistic expectations of their results. To ensure quality and safety during the procedure, candidates should not smoke six weeks before and after the surgery.

Facelift surgery improves facial contours at any age. Most commonly, patients are between the ages of 40 and 60. This is an ideal age for the facelift procedure, as patients still have good skin elasticity, a vital element to lasting and successful results.

The results of facelift surgery are known to be long lasting. That being said, this procedure will not prevent future aging from occurring. Leading a healthy lifestyle, practicing sun protection, and proper skin care will allow you to best maintain your results.

Facelift and neck lift surgeries can be combined with a brow lift or eyelid lift to provide full facial rejuvenation, as a facelift only addresses the mid and lower face.

Call now and make an appointment.

Stay in touch with us throughout your recovery process.