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Breast Augmentation

Why Breast augmentation in Guadalajara?

Breast Augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, improves the size and appearance of the breasts by implanting saline or silicone implants if applicable (the use of gel-filled implants may be government regulated) either under or over the chest muscle, thus producing a cosmetic enhancement.

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About this procedure

The objective of breast augmentation surgery is to increase the size of the patient’s breasts, improve their volume, give them greater projection and define their contour. This increase is achieved by placing silicone cohesive gel implants. Another option, although it is performed in very few cases is the infiltration of autologous fat of the patient. The placement of breast implants is one of the most performed procedures in Plastic Surgery worldwide.

What Size Breast Implants is Rigth for me?

You already know your breast size, and you might have some idea of how much larger you want to go in terms of cup size. But implants are measured in cubic centimeters (or cc’s for short). For every 150 to 200 cc’s or so, you can expect breast size to increase by one to one and a half cup sizes.

Dr. Rafael Arenas - Credentials & Associations

Understanding Silicone Vs Saline

Silicone Implants

The outer layer of all implants is made of silicone. Inside, the silicone layer is filled with a silicone gel that gives a natural feel and texture while being extremely durable. Silicone inserts can form into an anatomic (tear drop) style to give a natural line. The newest implant known as the Gummy Bear Implant is all the rage right now and offers durability with long-lasting, safer results.

Saline Implants

Though still available but not as commonly used today, saline implants are Implants filled with saline and are adjustable to the size and style that you want but they have a more rounded appearance. Since saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, they are safer for your body should there be a leak. Saline implants are also easier to notice if they do rupture.

This is Me & These are My Specialities

Dr. Arenas looks forward to meeting with you for your initial consultation and discussing the many factors to consider with a breast augmentation procedure. He has spent many years helping candidates such as yourself understand the details of a breast augmentation.

Dr. Arenas will do a thorough examination of your breasts, evaluating their size and shape, the location of your nipples and areolas, and the quality of your skin. It is important that you and Dr. Arenas discuss your current health and prior health conditions.

  • Familial breast cancer history
  • Biopsies or mammograms history
  • Drug allergies or current medical conditions or treatments
  • Use of tobacco, supplements, recreational drugs or alcohol
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For women who do a lot of cardio or yoga, setting the implants under the pectoral muscle results in the muscle squeezing the implant. It provides a number of advantages like more padding and decreasing the chance of capsular contracture. However, for women who lift heavy weights or participate in programs like Crossfit, it is better to place the implant above the pectoral muscle.

You must be at least 18 years of age for saline breast implants and 22 for silicone breast implants.

For the most natural-looking breast implant, you will want to choose a teardrop shaped implant because the bottom half is fuller thus creating a more organic appearance.

Of course you can. For example, if you don’t like the position of your breasts, you can add a breast lift. Dr. Arenas can perform both procedures on the same day. Other possibilities include liposuction, a mommy makeover, or a tummy tuck.

The results of a breast augmentation can last up to 20 years or so. You should see immediately noticeable results following your surgery.

Our expert Miami breast augmentation is considered safe and is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. Like any procedure, there are some risks involved. For breast augmentation, these complications can include asymmetry, bleeding, breast pain, capsular contracture, infection, implant displacement, and potential deflation or rupture of the implant.

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