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Male Procedures


Why Gynecomastia in Guadalajara?

Excess breast tissue and fat in men can lead to both psychological and physical discomfort. Gynecomastia surgery (or male breast reduction) can reduce the appearance of the excess skin and fat while creating a more masculine, youthful contour.

Male Procedures Navigation

What can be achieved with a Gynecomastia ?

Recover the manly figure effectively

In a few weeks the results can be seen.

The patient will obtain a flat and aesthetic chest.


Recovery will depend on the type of gynecomastia surgery performed. Compression garments will be required in the days following surgery to minimize swelling and promote proper healing. For gynecomastia surgery using liposuction, patients can traditionally return to work after two to three days, sometimes longer if the job is strenuous. When undergoing the surgical method, at least one week off of work will be recommended for a non-strenuous job. For both techniques, men should be cautious about any stress to the chest and arm areas. 

Gynecomastia surgery options

Gynecomastia develops for a number of reasons including hormonal changes, weight gain, heredity, and the use of steroids and other body-enhancing drugs. Depending on the cause for your gynecomastia, there are multiple techniques offered at Dr. rafael Arenas. The male breast reduction procedure can consist of a surgical method, liposuction, or a combination of both.

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Who is the ideal candidate?

Surgery to correct gynecomastia can be performed on healthy, emotionally stable men of any age. The best candidates for surgery have firm, elastic skin that will reshape the new contours of the body.

Surgery can be discouraged in obese men, or in overweight men who haven’t tried to correct the problem with exercise or weight loss first. Also, in individuals who drink alcoholic beverages in excess or are regular marijuana smokers. These patients are not considered good candidates for surgery. These drugs, along with anabolic steroids, can cause gynecomastia. Therefore, they should first stop using these drugs to see if their breast size decreases before considering surgery as an option.

This is Me & These are My Specialities

Dr. Arenas looks forward to meeting with you for your initial consultation and discussing the many factors to consider with  procedure. He has spent many years helping candidates such as yourself understand the details.

It is important that you and Dr. Arenas discuss your current health and prior health conditions.

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Gynecomastia FAQS

You will not be able to exercise until a month has elapsed since the intervention, nor will you be able to sunbathe or have UVA rays, until after that period of time.

The scar cannot be wet until the stitches have been removed, 7 days after the intervention.

In each case, the most appropriate for each patient will be recommended. There are different creams on the market and trofolastin patches to reduce scars if necessary. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions after your gynecomastia surgery.

As in all operations, the most serious risks are bleeding, infection and adverse reaction to anesthesia. As for the specifics of this intervention are: temporary loss of sensitivity of the breasts or the nipple.

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Stay in touch with us throughout your recovery process.