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Why Liposuction in Guadalajara?

Liposculpture for men is the most refined technique for correcting body contour by liposuction (surgical procedure that permanently removes excess fatty tissue in specific areas of the patient’s body by suction). 


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What can be achieved with a Liposuction ?

Eliminates accumulated fat in certain parts of the body.

Mark the muscles.

Reduces body volume.



After liposuction, the swelling usually goes away within a few weeks. By then, the treated area should look less bulky. After a few months, the treated area should have a slimmer appearance.

Liposuction Cost

During your liposuction consultation in Mexico, Dr. Rafael Arenas will go over any questions you may have regarding cost and payment options. Price can vary based on the number of areas being treated.

Dr. Rafael Arenas - Credentials & Associations


Who is the ideal candidate?

In general, good candidates for a liposuction include: Adults within 30% of their ideal weight who have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone. Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing.

This is Me & These are My Specialities

Dr. Arenas looks forward to meeting with you for your initial consultation and discussing the many factors to consider with  procedure. He has spent many years helping candidates such as yourself understand the details.

It is important that you and Dr. Arenas discuss your current health and prior health conditions.

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liposuction FAQS

Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so there will be some swelling, pain and discomfort in the first few days of your recovery. Most people report feeling post-op pain up to four or five days, but it subsides quickly, and any lingering discomfort can be managed easily.

Like all surgical procedures, there are some risks associated with each of the liposuction mentioned above. During your consultation, your surgeon will be able to fully layout any risks for the type of liposuction you choose.

Generally speaking, however, liposuction is considered a safe procedure, and if you follow your post-op instructions closely, there are rarely any serious complications.

There are a few different types of liposuction available. Each technique has its merits and having an open conversation with a board-certified plastic surgeon will help determine which is right for you.

Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not a weight-loss treatment. Instead, it is a fat reduction procedure. The amount of fat that can be removed in an area during a single procedure will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the surgeon’s assessment of the patient’s health and his or her aesthetic goals.

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